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Latest GNU/SunOS news

Well, here's the latest... apt and dpkg can be made to work on solaris, and 
the apt-get source operation completes successfully (need to still hand-hack 
a few things in dpkg, but I've submitted bugs/patches to Wichert).  When the 
changes make it into apt and dpkg so they compile cleanly, I'll try getting 
and building packages (probably monday).  Tonight I'll have a beer in honor 
of Something GNU/SunOS :)


-- HOWTO use apt-get source on non-linux architectures
-- comments: lohner@debian.org
1999-12-10 Created

The purpose of this document is to show how to set up a system that allows 
the user to 'apt-get source' a package, compile it, and install it on any 
operating system and any architecture.

Mailing Lists are:
deity@lists.debian.org (for anything apt related)
debian-dpkg@lists.debian.org (for anything dpkg related)

### STEP 1: get and compile apt 

-- get apt from CVS
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvs/deity login
(blank password)
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvs/deity co /cvs/deity

-- configure the build tree
make startup

-- build

-- if there are any configure or build problems
mail -complete- details to: deity@lists.debian.org

-- Create an apt configuration file
vi ~/.apt.conf
// Content:
// (modify as needed...)
// check doc/examples/configure-index for other settings
acquire::http::proxy "http://wwwproxy.teradyne.com:80/";;
   State "/u/lohner/apt/aptdata"
      Status "status";
   Cache "/u/lohner/apt/aptdata";
   Etc "/u/lohner/apt/aptdata";
      methods "/u/lohner/misc/debian/apt/build/bin/methods";

-- Create a sources.list file
vi ~/apt/aptdata/sources.list
# Content:
# just one of the main mirrors... pick one more local to you.
deb-src http://samosa.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free

-- Create the directory hierarchy that you need for APT to work
mkdir ~/apt
mkdir ~/apt/aptdata
mkdir ~/apt/aptdata/lists
mkdir ~/apt/aptdata/lists/partial
mkdir ~/apt/aptdata/archives
mkdir ~/apt/aptdata/archives/partial

-- touch the status file
touch /u/lohner/apt/aptdata/status

-- and get the packages files
apt-get update

-- you're ready to use it.
apt-get source dpkg

### STEP 2: get and compile dpkg

-- get dpkg from CVS
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvs/dpkg login
(blank password)
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@localhost:/cvs/dpkg co dpkg

-- configure the build tree

-- build
make -f debian/rules build

make DESTDIR=<your_favorite_root_path> install
CAUTION: This will create an ENTIRE TREE with dpkg installed in it for you!

### STEP 3: get and compile packages

 dpkg-source -x and dpkg-buildpackage -B
<Espy> at the lowest level you make a tree of files in somedir the same as
   they are to be in the package, put maintainer scripts and other control
   stuff in somedir/DEBIAN, use dpkg-gencontrol to make 
   and dpkg-deb --build to make the deb

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