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Bug#604409: xserver-xorg: After boot, My X is ran very good.But after the specific job same login into evolution or another work my X is crashed and after second running problem is solved.


Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh <mohsen@pahlevanzadeh.org> (22/11/2010):
> After boot,My X is ran very good and i can login into gdm i see my
> desktop and i can work in my gnome.But after the specific job same
> login into evolution or another work my X is crashed. Certainly i do
> a specific a job, same running a special program,or do an action in
> the programs.After second running problem is solved and X isn't
> crashed.

can you please report back but running a current kernel? You're
currently running 2.6.32-trunk* which wasn't meant to be wildly used,
but ends up being the top-most grub entry. Many bugfixes were pushed
to the kernel since then, which might help your case.


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