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Bug#595189: xserver-xorg-input-all: no support for WALTOP tablets

Hi again, Ron,

I've tried to install latest git version of the driver as you suggested and it is working quite well (I was just surprised, that the x11 driver selection is based on /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf, not on the udev rules; that's why evdev was always taking over the wacom driver :)) ).

There is however problem with buttons on the pen - both buttons act the same, both of them generate the middle-click event. I had the same issue with the wacom driver before, so it's not regression and it affect most likely just some of the waltop models, it shouldn't break support of Wacom tablets. The issue was mentioned in the linuxwacom list some time ago and was not fixed yet, so it may take a while to get it fully working. But anyway, I think it is better to have at least this "one-button Waltop support" instead of no support.

Thanks for the information,

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