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Backported features from xserver 1.8


  I've backported support for some features from xserver 1.8 to 1.7.6:

- xorg.conf.d
- inputclass
- udev (the one we have is slightly different)
- "various patches on top of these to fix some bugs or added features"

and last, but not least, from bugzilla:

- finally a proper fallback patch from SuSE to fix autoloading when there's a
  conffile (which would've been always the case with xorg.conf.d)

Tested on lucid and seems to work fine, fallbacks are loaded even when there's the evdev catchall-config in place:



Well, if this could be shipped with squeeze/lucid, it would allow us to get in sync with upstream, and not ship a "temporary" udev hotplug solution on a long term release with different documentation than the rest of the world (and us in six months). Other benefits:

- let the users configure their devices in the file format they all know
  to hate :)
- adding driver quirks in human-readable format, not C code
- admins can ship config snippets depending on the hardware (possibly my
  main motivation to get this, and will probably ship this locally in any
- blob autoload..
- probably other stuff I've forgot

  What's would be needed next?

The drivers need to ship a config file in /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d, since the udev rules have become meaningless. Also wacom needs to drop the check for input ABI 9. I didn't bump it because wacom is the only driver that is affected and it's less painful this way. The above link has a rule for evdev, similar ones can be trivially made for other drivers (I'll check wacom next).


here: git://git.debian.org/users/tjaalton-guest/xorg-server.git
debian-unstable / ubuntu-test branches.

I know this is late, especially for lucid which will release in a month, but here you go anyway :) Let the flames roar!

Timo Aaltonen
Systems Specialist
IT Services, Aalto University School of Science and Technology

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