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Bug#442963: xserver-xorg-input-kbd: order matters when pressing Ctrl + Alt

On 9/18/07, Javier Kohen <jkohen@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
Since I upgraded to this version from the one corresponding to X.org 7.2, I noted that pressing Ctrl-Alt-<key> in this order was not working as before, it only took the Ctrl into account. Reversing the order however and pressing Alt-Ctrl-<key> works as expected. Xkbwatch confirms that the server is not recognizing (or receiving?) the event for the alt key while ctrl is pressed. Other modifier keys work instead.

I can't reproduce this here. Ctrl+Alt and Alt+Ctrl do the same, both in xkbwatch and in real applications. Do you have anything in your xorg.conf or desktop environment to change the keyboard layout/behavior?

Please send the whole output of
   /usr/share/bug/xserver-xorg/script 3>&1
so that we see your whole config and log (the reportbug tool should have do that for you, by the way).


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