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Bug#407036: xserver-xorg: Server crashes each time after hibernate with suspend2

Bruce MacDonald wrote:
> Hi, Any ideas for debugging this problem? I can't login from a second
> machine since the resume script has to remove and reinstall the
> network driver for both wired and wireless. I couldn't get a core dump
> by setting the NoTrapSignals option in ServerFlags. I tried a script
> suggested on x.org for server debugging but X would not start at all, 
> from
> http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/ServerDebugging
> But I've never debugged the X server before.
> Bruce

One idea would be to keep gdb in a screen that you attach/detach from ssh:
* login through ssh before suspend, launch "screen", and attach "gdb -p
$(pidof X)" from there
* suspend/resume, and make sure the network is back
* login again by ssh again, reacquire the screen with something like
"screen -rd"
* once X has crashed, work in gdb with 'bt full' or so

Somebody put some Debian-specific hints about debugging (including with
a coredump) at http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/XserverDebugging by I
never actually tried it.


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