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Bug#428661: Pre-Depends on an unknown Debian version

Package: xserver-xorg
Version: 1:7.2-3
Severity: Serious


Having changelog entries with work from child distribution like Ubuntu
cannot cause any technical problems, so it is tolerated (and it is good
that their work is acknoleged), but versions in control files may cause
unmet dependencies easily. That's why the following is a problem :
  Pre-Depends: x11-common (>= 7.0.0-0ubuntu3)

Moreover, this is a policy violation : "7.1 Syntax of relationship
fields" refers to "5.6.12 Version" which is stating :
  The version number of a package. The format is:
  This part of the version number specifies the version of the Debian
  package based on the upstream version. 
But "0ubuntu3" refers to an unexistent Debian package.


Marc Dequènes (Duck)

Attachment: pgp8eZ1v7XHB0.pgp
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