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Re: Bug#238189: XKB Options Configuration not working ?

On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 01:02:57AM +0200, Riku Voipio wrote:
> > If this is still not clear, type
> >   $ setxkbmap -option caps:shift
> >   [Press CapsLock, followed by 'aaaa' then Shift+'aaaa' and CapsLock again]
> >   AAAAaaaa
> >   $ setxkbmap -option caps:shift_nocancel
> >   [Press CapsLock, followed by 'aaaa' then Shift+'aaaa' and CapsLock again]
> Actually, this is what I see:
> > setxkbmap -option caps:shift
> [Press CapsLock, followed by 'aaaa' then Shift+'aaaa' and CapsLock again]
> AAAAaaaa
> > setxkbmap -option caps:shift_nocancel
> [Press CapsLock, followed by 'aaaa' then Shift+'aaaa' and CapsLock again]
> > setxkbmap -option caps:shift
> [Press CapsLock, followed by 'aaaa' then Shift+'aaaa' and CapsLock again]
> So if shift_nocancel has been set ever before, it will not return with
> caps:shift

This was only a trivial example.  If you want to understand what
happens, you will have to read setxkbmap(1).  Hey you see, despite
kcontrol, this program has a nice manpage:

     -option name
           Specifies  the  name  of  an option to determine the components
           which make up the keyboard description;  multiple options  may
           be  specified, one per -option flag. Note that setxkbmap summa-
           rize options specified in the command line with options was set
           before  (saved  in  root  window  properties). If you want only
           specified options will be set use  the  -option  flag with  an
           empty argument first.

> > BTW I was unable to find these settings with kcontrol 3.2.1-1.
> so you reassigned the bug WITHOUT EVEN TESTING IT ON THE PACKAGE YOU
> REASSIGNED IT TO? sheez...

Yeah, and I will continue to do so.


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