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Bug#174260: [jidanni@dman.ddts.net: Bug#174260: xbase-clients: no xmessage --help, --version]

>BTW, how in the world is one to tell the version of xmessage in a
>formal way on debian then?  One sees some note of it in the man page
>trailers, but that is not a formal way.

Other than just looking at the version tag, apparently?

$ xmessage
usage: xmessage [-options] [message ...]

where options include:
    -file filename              file to read message from, "-" for stdin
    -buttons string             comma-separated list of label:exitcode
    -default button             button to activate if Return is pressed
    -print                      print the button label when selected
    -center                     pop up at center of screen
    -nearmouse                  pop up near the mouse cursor
    -timeout secs               exit with status 0 after "secs" seconds

XConsortium: xmessage.c,v 1.6 95/01/04 16:29:54 gildea Exp $

Seems pretty explicit to me. :)

 Marc Wilson |     Once a woman has given you her heart you can never
 msw@cox.net |     get rid of the rest of her.  -- Vanbrugh

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