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[rdice@pobox.com: Re: Xfree 4.0.2 driver module problem for ATI R128 (unstable) (Debian Bug report logs - #81007)]

----- Forwarded message from Richard Dice <rdice@pobox.com> -----

From: Richard Dice <rdice@pobox.com>
To: basile.starynkevitch@wanadoo.fr, branden@deadbeast.net
Subject: Re: Xfree 4.0.2 driver module problem for ATI R128 (unstable) (Debian 
 Bug report logs - #81007)
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:31:30 -0500
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Organization: Dice Consultants Inc.
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Basile & Branden:


I read the following web page with great interest:

I experienced the same problem that Basile did, and by switching over to
the "ati" driver (as Branden suggested), I regained use of XFree86 4.0.2.


In doing so, I've lost control of my mouse.  The touchpad and the 
eraser-head mouse-like devices on my laptop (Dell Inspiron 4000) are
completely non-responsive under X, and the PS/2 mouse that I've got
plugged into the back of the computer goes completely nonlinear and 
nonfunctional with the switch to the "ati" driver.  I was wondering if
this sounds at all familiar to either of you, and if a solution is known.

The relevant portion of my XF86Config-4 file is...

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier   "Generic Mouse"
    Driver       "mouse"
    Option       "CorePointer"
    Option       "Protocol"         "PS/2"
    Option       "Device"           "/dev/psaux"
    Option       "Emulate3Buttons"  "true"

... and ls -l /dev/psaux gives me
crw-------    1 root     root      10,  1 Dec 22 00:54  /dev/psaux

This all seems pretty normal to me.

However, I can't claim that this all is a controlled experiment.
In the time that my XFree86 4.0.1 was down with the attempted 4.0.2 
upgrade, I recompiled my kernel to Linux 2.2.18 and also tried installing
the Xig X package as well.  The kernel recompile was with options that 
had always worked for me on my 2.2.17 kernel, but it's always possible
that Xig left crud hanging around when I de-installed it that could
interfer with Xfree86 4.0.X.

Anyhow... obviously, with the kind of radical stuff I've done, there
is plenty of room for random, hard-to-figure-out errors.  But if
either of you are aware of a known mouse issue with the ati driver
attempt, please let me know. (btw, I tried the "vga" driver as well --
the same thing happened with the mouse)

Btw... do either of you have any experience with trying to get XFree86
to provide output to a notebook's LCD screen and an external video
device (monitor, data projector, etc.) _simultaneously_?  I've been
fighting with this for weeks.  I'm starting to think that the r128 driver
that I had been using simply can't provide this capability.


 Richard Dice * Personal 519 635 9568 * Fax 519 635 9569
 ShadNet Creator * http://shadnet.shad.ca/ * rdice@shadnet.shad.ca
 Occasional Writer, HotWired * http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/
     "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
         - jesus jones

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G. Branden Robinson            |    Suffer before God and ye shall be
Debian GNU/Linux               |    redeemed.  God loves us, so He makes us
branden@deadbeast.net          |    suffer Christianity.
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |    -- Aaron Dunsmore

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