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HELP!! Re: Bug#365126: wmrack - FTBFS: error: WMRack needs X Windows!!!

Hi, I need some help or suggestions or something.  My package WMRack
builds fine here--but I haven't yet upgraded to the new "modular" X.
It fails to build on Debian's autobuilders though, and I'm darned if I
have any idea why.  I am the sole upstream maintainer of this package
as well as the Debian maintainer.  Nothing has changed in the package
that should affect this.  

The build-dependencies (which worked before) are: "libx11-dev,
libxext-dev, libxpm-dev, xutils, debhelper (>= 4.0.0)" and the
autoconf stanza (from configure.in) is, simply:

dnl check for X11
if test "x$no_x" = "xyes"; then
  AC_MSG_ERROR([WMRack needs X Windows!!!])
  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I${x_includes}"
  LIBS="$LIBS -L${x_libraries} -lX11"

The configure file was generated with a reasonably up-to-date version
of autoconf (no more than a month or so old), and it works with the
last non-modular version of X.   Why does this no longer work on the
current autobuilders, and what (if anything) can I do about it?

The source is in sid: "apt-get -d source wwrack" (on x86 at least).

I would try pbuilder, but I am somewhat tight on disk space at
present, and freeing enough would be non-trivial, so I wanted to ask
for help first, in case this is a known problem, or, at least, simple
for someone else to find.

Please CC me, as I am not subscribed to debian-x (although, worst
case, I do know how to find the archives).


Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
xtifr@debian.org       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or xtifr@speakeasy.net |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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