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Bug#363359: xserver-xorg: Resolution has changed from 100 dpi, to 75 dpi

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 09:09 -0400, Rob Bochan wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:26, you wrote:
> >X has always defaulted to 75 DPI, in the absence of additional
> >configuration or information such as EDID. Please try to find out why
> >the effective DPI has changed for you by comparing config and/or log
> >files, etc.
> This was not the case before these new packages, at least according to the KDE 
> KInfocenter X-Server section. It always showed 100x100 dpi previously, now it 
> shows 75x75 dpi. 

Again, this must have been either due to the driver obtaining additional
information, e.g. via EDID, or due to configuration, either via the
DisplaySize directive in the xorg.conf Monitor section or via the -dpi
command line switch.

> I haven't done the updates on my desktop machine, which 
> clones my laptop install, and it still shows 100x100 dpi. Both machines are 
> using startx instead of a login manager. Adding the -dpi switch to the startx 
> command also has no effect.

Weird, the command line switch should always override anything else.
Have you confirmed that the switch is actually passed to the X server,
e.g. using ps?

Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Libre software enthusiast    |   http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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