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Bug#345480: console size going AxB -> Ax25 on vt switch

From Gregor Zattler <telegraph@gmx.net>:
I use a Matrox G400 card with 32 MB Ram and have the exact same
symptoms using SVGATextMode with 132x43.  When using the console
after starting X I can only use the upper 25 columns.  Thus my
input and the computers output scoll the upper 25 lines while the
lower rest of lines also scolls and shows garbage.  After some
scrolling this garbage gets very colorful.

Whatever was wrong, it seems that this bug has been fixed in one of the recent versions of X in experimental. Gregor: does it persist for you?
If no, the bug can be closed while praising the XSF and schtuff.

/-----------------------\ Shh, be vewy, vewy quiet,
| kilobyte@mimuw.edu.pl | I'm hunting wuntime ewwows!
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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