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My experiences making .debs of 4.0.1 for potato


	I have downloaded the source that Branden release as phase2-v29 and
then try to make the packages.

1- try to simple debuild, and failed in compiling
2- read the docs and findout build-depends ;-)
3- installed almost everything, couldn't find dpkg 1.7 nor glide3-dev.
4- debuild again... failed agin... but redirect the output to a file.
5- discover that <glide3/*> was required for some tdfx*. 
6- I disabled in the xc/config/cf/host.def the HasGlide3 and debuild again.
7- compiled ok, but no .deb created.
8- in rules I saw in install the checking for 
   MANIFEST.i386 <> MANIFEST.i386.new. The problem was the missing *tdfx*
9- deleted that line, dbuild again but some .deb failed. It stop when making
   xserver-xfree86. The problem was the malformed Depends: line in the
   control file generated. 
10- looking further I discover that dh_movefiles didn't move the files, so
    dh_shlibdeps didn't make the Depends line correctly.
11- It also didn't move the files of xutils.
12- the contents of xutils.files and xserver-xfree86.list ar ok. They exist
    in th tmp/ dir in the right locations.

13- I saw some errors about dpkg not found.

Why dh_movefiles failed?
Is it anything to do with dpkg >= 1.7? 
If it is, where is a potato dpkg >= 1.7 package? (It isn't in proposed
updates nor experimental)

Carlos Barros.

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