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Bug#872944: www.debian.org: Debian Policy Manual not fully published

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:

> That said, introducing Javascript for the first time does feel like a
> large-ish step, and the reluctance also makes sense.  I'm not sure the
> search functionality really adds much.  (I haven't checked to confirm that
> is the only thing in the Sphinx output that uses Javascript, and that it's
> not used for something more useful like responsive design on mobile
> browsers, but maybe Sean has.)

I would be more inclined to agree if there was actually a single-page
HTML version.

Also, it looks like sphinx upstream is refactoring their javascript so
that all references to third-party javascript (underscore.js and
jquery.js) will be confined to _sphinx_javascript_frameworks_compat.js
-- see <https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/10028>, merged as
on the 5.x branch.

Once those changes hit sid and debian-policy gets rebuilt and deployed
on debian.org, we should just have:

  * 404s for underscore.js and jquery.js

  * an uncaught ReferenceError in

but doctools.js and searchtools.js and the search box should be fully

(The cronscript seems to handle the files symlinked in from
libjs-sphinxdoc just fine -- it only seems to have trouble when the
files shipped in libjs-sphinxdoc are *also* symlinks.)

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