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Re: Marking incompletely translated pages


El 18/3/20 a las 10:46, Holger Wansing escribió:
> The framework for this is already there, it is based on the header lines
> like
> #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="6f3adf6374f35194686f89dec2ba66b1ecf3bb5f"

I've done some tests and adding mindelta="-1" I think we get the same
"warning" tag as if the translation is outdated. In the above example it
would be:

 #use wml::debian::translation-check
translation="6f3adf6374f35194686f89dec2ba66b1ecf3bb5f" mindelta="-1"

However, this has to be added manually by the person who commits the
initial/only-title translation. The script copypage.pl only can add the
commmit hash and the maintainer.

So please coordinate with the korean-l10n-team in order to try this and
adopt the new workflow.

Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina

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