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Re: pypi.debian.net site down

   Dear Tim,

* Tim Dickson <dickson.tim@googlemail.com> [2018-05-29 11:01:52 CEST]:
> just to report pypi.debian.net web site is down as of at least 3am
> GMT  29th May 2018
> regards, Tim

 given that it's a debian.net domain it isn't part of our webteam
efforts (and not even all debian.org websites are ours).

 For debian.net domains, if they aren't just a CNAME you can dig for the
TXT record of said domain to see who is responsible for the service.  In
this case:

$ dig txt pypi.debian.net +short
"Piotr O\197\188arowski <piotr@debian.org>"
"PGP 1D2F A898 58DA AF62 1786  2DF7 AEF6 F1A2 A745 7645"

 Hope that helps.
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Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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