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Re: Failed to build debian webpage locally (msgfmt error?)


* Boyuan Yang <073plan@gmail.com> [2017-08-17 02:17:46 CEST]:
> I was trying to build debian webpages (webwml) locally while ran into build 
> error about the file danish/po/partners.da.po .
> Running msgfmt manually would raise the same problem:
> % msgfmt --statistics danish/po/partners.da.po                                  
> danish/po/partners.da.po:554:80: syntax error                                                      
> msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
> I'm wondering if the webpage in production is also encountering the same 
> problem. Since I'm not a DD, I could not check the running instance online. 
> Could anyone help figure it out?

 Yes, the "production" run also issues that error, as you can check in
the build logs here:
https://www-master.debian.org/build-logs/webwml/wml_run.log (if you go
to the directory index you might find other useful stuff to look at, if
you're curious ;))

 Looking into the file, line 554 reveals that there is a msgid "" line
missing, probably removed accidentally.

 You can add that yourself, or ask Kåre to do it who is the danish
translation coordinator.

 Hope that helps,
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