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Bug#781064: Update File

I have updated the information of Ms Mechtilde Stehmann from https://wiki.debian.org/MechtildeStehmann and Ms U from https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/U into this profile for the web. 

I am attaching the template.

Lot of love to Debian Community.

Thank you.
<define-tag pagetitle>Mechtilde Stehmann</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::profiles
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/women/profiles/profiles.def"

<profile name="Mechtilde Stehmann" picture="">

    # How long have you been using Debian?
    My first installation of Debian was Woody (3.0) in 2002.

    # Are you a Debian Developer?
    In November 2015 I become a Debian Maintainer.
    # What areas of Debian are you involved in?
    I start my work for Debian with some translations in the wiki and some bugreports. In November 2013 I published my first package Loook. Now I also maintain libreoffice-canzeley-client and calendar-exchange provider.

    # What got you interested in working with Debian?
    I want to make Debian more useful for "normal users" especially around Office applications.

    # Do you have any tips for women interested in getting more involved with Debian?
    They should answer the following questions for themselves: What are your skills? What are your interests? How can you use it to make Debian more popular? There are a lot of skills useful in Debian, not only programming and packaging.

    # Are you involved with any other women in technology group? Which one(s)?
    No specific group.

    # A bit more about you...
    iRC: Mechtilde, #debian.de, #debian-women at OFTC
	Mechtilde #dev.openoffice.org,#openoffice.org,#openoffice.org-de at Freenode
	<strong>Debian Maintainer</strong>
		<li>My bugs : ooo@mechtilde.de</li>
			My packages :
				<li>* loook</li>
				<li>* libreoffice-canzeley-client</li>
				<li>* calendar-exchange-provider</li>
		<li>My QA page : <a href="https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=ooo@mechtilde.de";>https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=ooo@mechtilde.de</a></li>
<define-tag pagetitle>U</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::profiles
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/women/profiles/profiles.def"

<profile name="U" picture="">

    # How long have you been using Debian?
    I've been using Debian since 2004 on my personal computer and web servers I administer.

    # Are you a Debian Developer?
    No. I'm <a href="https://contributors.debian.org/contributor/u-guest%40alioth";>simply a contributor</a>.
    # What areas of Debian are you involved in?
    I contribute to <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor";>AppArmor</a> in Debian and have completed an internship with the <a href="http://outreachy.org/";>Outreachy</a> program in 2014. Read <a href="https://apparmor.451f.org/";>my blog</a> about this internship. Furthermore, I am involved with packaging privacy related software through the pkg-privacy-tools packaging team (pkg-otr-team & pkg-anonymity-tools team). In the past, I also helped working on Debian related webpages, like the <a href="https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/";>security tracker</a>.

    # What got you interested in working with Debian?
    I like that Debian is a non commercial and fairly secure distribution, tweakable to perfectly suit my needs, made by excellent individuals :)

    # Do you have any tips for women interested in getting more involved with Debian?
    You do not need to be afraid of not being good enough! People at Debian are keen to help getting you started if you can tell them what you are interested in and what you already know.
	Many things are well documented, but you still need to find them. The <a href="https://wiki.debian.org";>Debian wiki</a> is a great place to start.

    # Are you involved with any other women in technology group? Which one(s)?
    In the past I've been teaching women how to take apart computers and put them back together, which is a method I learned from the <a href="http://genderchangers.org/";>Genderchangers</a>, but I am not involved with any women in technology group.

    # A bit more about you...
    I work as web developer since over 10 years and got involved with Debian mainly through contributing to <a href="https://tails.boum.org/";>Tails</a>, a Debian based live distribution aiming at protecting your privacy and anonymity.

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