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website for jessie release notes is wrong.

The following sections need to be modified:

5.10. The GNOME desktop requires basic 3D graphics

The GNOME 3.14 desktop in Jessie no longer has fallback support for
machines without basic 3D graphics. To run properly, it needs either a
recent enough PC (any PC built in the last 10 years should have the
required SSE2 support) or, for architectures other than i386 and amd64,
a 3D-accelerated graphics adapter with EGL drivers.

This should read:
No chips without EGL are supported.It is a required feature of
GNOME3.Your desktop will break without the proprietary drivers

5.11. The GNOME desktop does not work with the AMD proprietary FGLRX

Unlike other OpenGL drivers, the AMD FGLRX driver for Radeon adapters
does not support the EGL interface. As such, several GNOME applications,
including the core of the GNOME desktop, will not start at all when this
driver is in use.

It is recommended to use the free radeon driver, which is the default in
jessie, instead. 

This should read:
(SORRY...thats broken) Use flgrx because it gives better support. EGL
can be added in to give support needed for GNOME 3 to function
correctly.The open source drivers are broken and do not work by
default.Both jessie and stretch are affected.

I am so sick and tired of getting dropped to a shell or forced into
installing a non-working gnome3 when mate works just fine.The problem is
in GNOME3.Active bug squatters already know this, yet we still ship with
this buggy software for some reason.

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