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Rocket Lawyer Sponsorship for Debian

Dear Debian,

I work for a company called Rocket Lawyer (based in San Francisco), and we?d love to help Debian achieve its mission with a free membership for legal services and legal documents.

We?re dedicated to making it simpler and more affordable for nonprofits, small businesses and families to access the legal help they need. We?ve helped over 20 million people and been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and BusinessWeek.

Membership (which gives you access to hundreds of step-by-step legal documents and free consultations with lawyers) costs $399, but we?re happy to sponsor you if you?re able to list us as a sponsor or contributor on your website.

Please let me know if you are interested or would like to learn more.  My contact info is listed below.

Joseph Lei

P.S. In addition to a legal document for almost any need, we also have customizable documents that are just for nonprofits:


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