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Re: Tools to check links

2012/11/11 Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>:
> linkchecker appears to be the clear winner in terms of features.

I tested linkchecker and webcheck (the tool used by Holger for the
debconf13.debconf.org website) on a little website.
Each works out-of-the-box from the debian packages and produces static
HTML files.

So in order to have the pages publicly available, the steps are:
- putting the right command in crontab. For example, in the www-data
crontab, the command could be:
  cd /web/document/root/ ; webcheck --force --ignore-robots
- setting a configuration file for the webserver currently installed

If you are interested, I can execute them on debian.org so everyone
can compare the results but I'm not sure the admin will be happy if
all the website is browsed twice...

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