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Re: Planet Debian CSS adjustment

On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 08:48 +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

> We mainly have the Debian CSS on planet and should try to not get away
> from that too much. But sometimes.... Now, Im no CSS expert, so dont
> know if that is bad with the rest of the css we have (dont think so, but
> who knows), so I CCed debian-www, so they can yell up if they think its
> bad to do so. If not feel free to commit sometime this evening and poke
> me on irc to update the site.

Ok, some more details:

The post that caused this issue has since scrolled off Planet Debian
derivatives. The issue was that it had a really long line inside of a
<code> tag, such that the page was widened considerably.

To prevent that from happening again I would like to apply some CSS to
make <pre> <code> and <tt> content wrap nicely. The following using
white-space: pre-wrap in planet.css should do that nicely.

The overrides "! important" are needed because debian.css already
defines the white-space property for <pre> <code> and <tt>. There are
multiple lines for each tag type because some versions of some browsers
don't support pre-wrap and some support it via a custom property.

On www.d.o Debian controls the content so we can fix any widening issues
there quite easily, so non-wrapping <pre> <code> and <tt> is acceptable.
IIRC non-wrapping white-space is the default for <pre> <code> and <tt>
so I'm not sure why debian.css needs to define them in the first place

Personally I'd like to see this CSS on lists.debian.org too.

/* Make pre's wrap to the window */
pre { white-space: normal ! important; }
pre { white-space: -moz-pre-wrap ! important; }
pre { white-space: pre-wrap ! important; }
code { white-space: normal ! important; }
code { white-space: -moz-pre-wrap ! important; }
code { white-space: pre-wrap ! important; }
tt { white-space: normal ! important; }
tt { white-space: -moz-pre-wrap ! important; }
tt { white-space: pre-wrap ! important; }



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