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Bug#567781: Conversion of english pages to Unicode, via HTML entities.

  Hi again.

* Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> [2011-05-19 12:29:43 CEST]:
> Dear Gerfried and WWW team,
> my proposition is the following:
> 1) Bring the English pages into a state where the files are the same
>    regardless whether the encoding is iso-8859-1, ascii or utf8.
> 2) Make the English pages served as utf8 instead of iso-8859-1.
> 3) If necessary, convert entities to accented characters.

 I am aware of that and directly responded to it, there is no need to
re-iterate the same statement over and over again ...

> I propose to use smart-change in the steps 1) and 3), so that the
> translators are not disturbed.

 If a translation is outdated already, it will disturb translators, and
one bump only instead of two is far more convenient in that respect.

> It is true that in 1) and 3) there is a risk of side effects. I will
> look for them and revert them. 

 The thing is, I still don't understand the need and gain or benefit for
buying that side effect risks.

> At Debcamp, technically, how do you intend to convert the English
> pages to unicode without bumping translation-check headers ?

 I never stated that it would be doable without translation-check bumps,
I have no clue where you picked that one up. All I was saying that it
would be possible to do it with a single bump, and that when sitting
together at debcamp more people can watch and think along and check
things so that the risk of overlooking stuff is reduced to a minimum,
without IMHO totally unnecessary commits for converting to entities and
back that leave the gut feeling of overengineering and overcomplicating

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