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Bug#583670: RSS feed for Debian news?


Am 21.01.2011 15:22, schrieb Alexander Reichle-Schmehl:

> However, what I did not completly understood is all the stuff in
> security/Makefile, so I couldn't copy them into News/Makfefile and
> activate them.  Hope someone else knows how to do that.

Well...  I still haven't understood it, but at least I was able to copy
the corepending parts and do s/DSA/NEWS/ and change some path.  So
starting with the next webwml run, we should have
http://www.debian.org/News/news.rdf (and news.en.rdf and news.$foo.rdf).
 So I close this bug report.

Ean, that actually only leaves the question, if we also want to offer
Atom feeds, feel free start that discussion on the debian-www list.

Best regards,

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