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patch for devel/website/examples

don't do just a copy

--- /deb/webwml/english/devel/website/examples.1.8.wml	Fri Sep 03 22:53:13 2004
+++ /deb/webwml/english/devel/website/examples.wml	Fri Oct 01 21:22:37 2010
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 #use wml::debian::template title="Examples"
-<H3>Example of Starting a Translation</H3>
+<h3>Example of Starting a Translation</h3>
-<p>French will be used for the example:
+<p>French will be used for the example:</p>
    cvs checkout webwml/Makefile.common webwml/english
    cd webwml
    mkdir french
@@ -17,72 +17,73 @@
    cp Makefile po
    make -C po init-po
    cvs add po/Makefile po/*.fr.po
-<p>Edit the <tt>.wmlrc</tt> file and change:
+<p>Edit the <tt>.wmlrc</tt> file and change:</p>
-  <li>'-D CUR_LANG=English' to '-D CUR_LANG=French'
-  <li>'-D CUR_ISO_LANG=en' to '-D CUR_ISO_LANG=fr'
-  <li>'-D CUR_LOCALE=en_US' to '-D CUR_LOCALE=fr_FR'
-  <li>'-D CHARSET=iso-8859-1' to whatever is appropriate.<br>
+  <li>'-D CUR_LANG=English' to '-D CUR_LANG=French'</li>
+  <li>'-D CUR_ISO_LANG=en' to '-D CUR_ISO_LANG=fr'</li>
+  <li>'-D CUR_LOCALE=en_US' to '-D CUR_LOCALE=fr_FR'</li>
+  <li>'-D CHARSET=iso-8859-1' to whatever is appropriate.<br />
       French just happens to use the same character encoding as English so no
       change is necessary, however it's likely that new languages will need
-      to have this setting adjusted.
+      to have this setting adjusted.</li>
 <p>Edit Make.lang and change 'LANGUAGE := en' to 'LANGUAGE := fr'.
 In case you are translating to a language which uses a multi-byte charset,
 you may have to change some other variables in that file, for more
 information read ../Makefile.common and perhaps other working examples
-(translations such as Chinese).
+(translations such as Chinese).</p>
 <p>Go to french/po and translate entries in PO files.  This should be
-quite straightforward.
+quite straightforward.</p>
 <p>Always make sure you copy the Makefile to each directory you translate.
 This is necessary because the program <code>make</code> is used to convert
-the .wml files into HTML, and <code>make</code> uses Makefiles.
+the .wml files into HTML, and <code>make</code> uses Makefiles.</p>
-<p>When you are done adding and editing pages, do a
+<p>When you are done adding and editing pages, do a</p>
    cvs commit
-from the webwml directory. You can now start translating the pages.
+<p>from the webwml directory. You can now start translating the pages.</p>
-<H3>Example of Translating a Page</H3>
+<h3>Example of Translating a Page</h3>
-<p>A French translation of the social contract will be used for the example:
+<p>A French translation of the social contract will be used for the example:</p>
-   cd webwml/french
-   cp ../english/social_contract.wml .
+   cd webwml
+   copypage social_contract.wml
+   cd french
    cvs add social_contract.wml
 <p>Edit social_contract.wml and translate the text. Do not try to translate
 any links or change them in any way - if you want to change anything,
-request it on the debian-www list. When done, type
+request it on the debian-www list. When done, type</p>
    cvs commit -m "short description of the changes you made" social_contract.wml
-<H3>Example of Adding a New Directory</H3>
+<h3>Example of Adding a New Directory</h3>
-<p>This example shows the French translation adding the intro/ directory:
+<p>This example shows the French translation adding the intro/ directory:</p>
    cd webwml/french
    mkdir intro
    cvs add intro
    cd intro
    cp ../Makefile .
-Make sure a new directory has the Makefile and that it's committed in CVS.
-Otherwise, running make will give an error to everyone else trying it.
+<p>Make sure a new directory has the Makefile and that it's committed in CVS.
+Otherwise, running make will give an error to everyone else trying it.</p>
    cvs add Makefile
    cd ..
    cvs commit -m "added the intro dir to CVS" intro


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