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Re: DebConf?


* Dave Crossland <dave@lab6.com> [2010-08-02 17:27:38 CEST]:
> I'm at DebConf and would like to meet people who are working on the
> Debian websites. www.flickr.com/search/?q=dave%20crossland has some
> photos of me; http://code.google.com/webfonts/designer?designer=Dave+Crossland
> is a profile; and I'll ask around to try to meet you guys, but if
> anyone would like to say Hi that would be great :-)

 I would have loved to attend debconf and indeed would have called for
at least some sort of round table for people interested in the website
work for improving the look and also the feel. Unfortunately I'm unable
to be there. I still plan to have some work session weekend instead but
that depends on some people which I consider crucial for that to be able
to find the time for it.

 Potential agenda would include work on the fineprints of Kalle's
proposal to get it live for the regular website but also for wiki,
planet and other candidates, working/brainstorming on how to improve the
packages site (e.g. issues with respect to no changelogs for things not
in the regular pool), and other things with respect to navigation, like
e.g. reworking the childen distros page about which I forwarded a mail
to here recently.

"Lediglich 11 Prozent der Arbeitgeber sind der Meinung, dass jeder
Mensch auch ein Privatleben haben sollte."
        -- http://www.karriere.at/artikel/884/

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