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Re: on /partners/ drafts

Hello, Simon
Thanks for the guidance.
I read the documentation, and the instructions [0] at Alioth, but commiting to
alioth.debian.org moved the files to the main site automatically.
Also, did not find a workflow description for collaborative creation.
So, the drafts were not linked from any page. They were reachable only by direct
url typing.
Care was taken to not mess any of the css at other sections, only at the
/partners  subtree, testing what was known at the time at my local machine.
Beyond the cvs messages explaining draft status, the clear text "place holders",
also discussing with publicity and i10n-english lists, I included a notice to
avoid translations for a while. I guessed it was enough...
But what is the url describing workflow for collaborative creation of a page at
the site?
Please, what is the correct workflow for this approach? Is there a sandbox
repository and web site?
Andre Felipe

[0] https://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=1135

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