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Re: CVS webwml/english/devel/website

On Sun, 05 Jul 2009, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>  Ah! /cvsroot/ vs. /cvs/ - but I don't understand. For :ext: one uses
> /cvs/webwml but for :pserver: one has to use /cvsroot/webwml? Can
> someone explain that to me pretty please? What's the rationale for this,
> what's the deal with it, and why isn't it consistent?

The pserver is restricted in a chroot and explicitely list the authorized
the chroot: /srv/alioth.debian.org/chroot (aka /var/lib/gforge/chroot)
the restricting script: /usr/share/gforge/plugins/scmcvs/sbin/cvs-pserver

>  That might very well be because /cvs and /cvsroot points to *different*
> targets:

No, that is irrelevant for the pserver (in the chroot cvs points to
cvsroot). And both /cvs/webwml /cvsroot/webwml works for :ext:.

>  It has nothing to do with using cvs.debian.org vs.
> cvs.alioth.debian.org. It has to do that /cvs/ and /cvsroot/ points to
> different locations. It looks pretty much like symlinking from hell, if
> you ask me. %-/

We might do cleanup with time, but for now it was easier to transition
cvs.debian.org that way without merging it in all the other CVS

>  Why can't /cvs just also point to
> /srv/alioth.debian.org/chroot/cvsroot?

Otherwise we would have had all Alioth CVS repositories listed on
http://cvs.debian.org and not the old archived ones that are currently
there. Since only webwml is actively used, I did put this one
among the other active ones.

> I guess this might solve this problems, and I can't come up with any
> reason to only allow some few submodules through /cvs than what one can
> access through /cvsroot -
> other by wanting to force people to transition. Is that the intention?
> If so then pretty please be verbose about it and not let people stumble
> into troubles and then tell them to switch...

Well, I did not want to force anyone to transition. The official path for
gforge based CVS repositories is /cvsroot and since for cvs.debian.org
it was /cvs I put the symlink. I did not pay attention to the pserver
restriction until now... and if we want to get rid of it, we have to
modify /usr/share/gforge/plugins/scmcvs/sbin/cvs-pserver and merge
that change in the gforge Alioth branch.

Roland, is that something that you want to do or should we generally
recommend to switch to /cvsroot?

Raphaël Hertzog

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