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Re: URGENT: Please remove my email from your web-page


[Sorry for bring up this issue again...]

We often get request like :
> > Could you please remove my email address: XXX - or the from 
> > all parts from of your web portal?
> >
> > Currently, I am really flooded with spam-emails due to such
> > public display of my email.

We don't satisfy such request, because our mailing lists are relayed on
the Internet anyway. I acknowledge that recommending to use a good
anti-spam filter is the right answer. However :

* Most pages on Debian website points to debian-www@lists.d.o. Most
  visitors probably don't notice the "lists", and anyway nothing states
  that email sent there are going to be published on the web.
  What about replacing that link with a short web page that :
  - Explain it's a public mailing list
  - Suggest to have and use a spare a gmail/hotmail account if needed
    (plus usual advices about spam filtering).
  - Link to debian-$lang-user for those who don't speak English.
  An alternative would be to advertise another email on the web
  page, then clean up the sender's email, before relaying it to the
  mailing list, but I'm not aware of any clean way to do it.
  If it's fine for you, I could work on that page.

* The disclaimer[1] page contains useful information, but we might
  want to make that content more visible (on lists.d.o pages)

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 13:23 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> there have been cases in the past showing that sometimes our mailing lists have
> a particular attention from email harvesters. It is therefore not so surprising
> that we have complains like the one you answered to: some addresses stay
> unnoticed on leaf nodes of the Internet, and the first spams can correlate with
> the publication of the addresses on our lists.

> I recommend that we should take this into account and be careful to
> not increase the inconvenience by quoting the address that the persons
> request us to delete…

When answering such request, what about BCC'ing the sender, and add a
note at the top of the page, like
	[John Doe was BCC'd]


[1] http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/disclaimer

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