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suggestions for design Hebrew and other RTL languages.


So after playing with the css files a little bit on my computer, I saw I'm wasting to much time, and I send you my suggestions without real patches.
First, let me just say that I'm flattered by the fact that the css file is called debian-he.css. There are other people in the world that write from right to left. There for I would suggest to rename the file to debian-rtl.css and make it usefull for those who speak and translate debian to Arabic or Farsi for example.
Seconed, the way the html file are currently built creates the following statement <html lang="he" dir="RTL"> in the head of the file.
Which my be correct, but causes the funny phenomenome the now the debian text logo is desplayed before the debian whirle logo, which is not the "right" behavior. Check this on the English website and compare to the Hebrew one (I don't want to flud the mailing list with images, I believe you can figure this out).
And another thing I would like to suggest is somehow re-locate the blue navagation box to the right side, since RTL users expect it there. If you would use desktops in Hebrew you would notice that the menu is in the right side. I sometimes get a very surprised looked when I open a book from the "wrong" side. Yes, we (Hebrew and Arabic speakeres) open our books from the right to left. And some how this convention roled into user interface design in computers.
I hope I managed to explain my ideas, and will be happy to work them out with someone's help.

Thank you very much,

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when one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion."
Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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