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Re: some parse-advisory.pl updates (was: DSA listings on http://www.debian.org/ are out of date)

Hi Simon,

> Applied as well :)
> (I assume that all DSA fit on a unique web page per year, assumption
> true past years)
> So now, the only remaining manual work to do is the check step.

This script seems to be working fine now for a while and only in a few
cases do I need to change the output by hand before committing. Allthough
less than it was, it's still a cumbersome process, leading to it being
skipped when the security officer is pressed on time like happened last
week where a number of DSA's were not in reasonable time on the website.

I propose to run the script automatically on emails coming in through the
d-s-a mailinglist that are DSA-nnnn-1 mails. There are exceptional cases
where it goes wrong, but it could be better to correct those after the
fact than to have all DSA's waiting on someone finding the time.

One issue I can think of is the archive not being updated at time of
message arrival. Perhaps the script can pause for a significant amount of
time and then continue processing? Or can we maybe from the message itself
predict accurately what a working archive url will be?

Could the web team look into this?


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