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Re: [Debian Wiki] Update of "PageD'Accueil" by FranklinPiat

Hi Franklin,

Ok, I understand that it's important to synchronise translated pages. So, how 
can I intgrate my work ?

I intented to structure Wiki pages in a comprehensive and simple table of 
contents and regroup articles in portals like http://wiki.debian.org/DebFrApt 
or http://wiki.debian.org/DebFrPourCommencer

My idea was:

- Optimize the frontpage with a global portal index
- Group portals in 4 topics

1. Start level: Topic write in no technical words, basic and help to begin in 
Debian (for new users)
2. User Level: Topic based on graphical tools, help about using Debian in 
usual way. Some technical words are used but explainned. (for usual users)
3. Advanced user Level: Topic based on command line, explain with technical 
words. (for informatician users)
4. Developper user level: topics related how to help Debian project, Packages, 
Traduction, this Wiki ... etc) (for any one who want help us).

I have begun to connect articles to portals and portals to PageD'Accueil, but 
now PageD'Accueil is different, so all portals links are broken.

I don't speak english very well so I can't synchronise my work with english 

How can we work to do this ?

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