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Cleanup of the Debian CD/DVD vendor list


this mail is sent (in Bcc) to a number of vendors in the Debian CD/DVD 
vendor list, <http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/>. I have just removed 
these vendors' entries from the list for various reasons.

If my removal of your shop was in error, please apply to be re-added to the 
list via <http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/info>. To be re-added, your site 
should allow users to make up their mind about buying from you, by citing 
prices, exact product information, a way to contact you, and a procedure to 
actually buy something. Also, you should offer Debian 4.0, not any earlier 

Some vendors did not specify contact information - that's just bad luck for 
them, they will not get this message...

Here's the log of my changes:
removed sarahgifts.com - no longer offers Debian DVDs
removed geocities.com/luizotavio92/ - has been showing a maintenance message for quite a while
removed centraldossites.com - no longer offers Debian DVDs
removed opendoorsoftware.com - site shows an error message only
removed buylinuxdvd.com - site shows Apache dir listing only
removed e-officecom.com - domain offline
removed alllinuxcd.com - connection refused
removed market.altkomp.pl - deburl outdated, also site only offers 3.0r2
removed subasta.pl - host unreachable
removed distributor.infinitaus.com - site shows empty Apache dir listing only
removed chocky.org - redirects elsewhere, no mention of CDs on new page
removed 205lan.com - only displays "relocating to a new server" message
removed madtux.org - no longer offers Debian DVDs



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key: 888354F7
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  08A9 7B7D 3D13 3EF2 3D25  D157 79E6 F6DC 8883 54F7
  ¯ '` ¯

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