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Re: links from packages.debian.org

* Luca Brivio <lucab83@infinito.it> [2007-04-21 15:50]:
> the page at http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages (that is, 
> packages.debian.org) doesn't point to even existing 
> http://packages.debian.org/experimental/, and /oldstable/
> (while does to /stable/, /testing/, and /unstable/).
> Is this intentional, and does make sense?

 It's intentional: oldstable is encouraged to be upgraded and securty
support will eventually run out in about a year, and experimental is
like the name says, quite experimental.  The extra effort needed to be
able to use experimental should get the people thinking about that it's
not really encouraged and that they might be on their own (to contact
the package maintainer, maybe) if they stumble into problems.

 So long,
Nachdem es SuSE nun endlich geschafft hat, Linux so sehr zu verunstalten, daß
es schlechter als Windows ist, bootet es nun also sogar schon auf der Hardware
von Microsoft.
 -- realborg zu <http://futurezone.orf.at/futurezone.orf?read=detail&id=129360>

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