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Bug#406934: Bug ?? in the 'debian.css' file on Debian website used by 'gucharmap.html' on the gucharmap (1:1.4.2-1) package web-page

Package: www.debian.org NOT A PACKAGE but the "www.debian.org" (Problems with the WWW site)

Version: current (NOW)

I tried the 'reportbug' program, but it aborts with an error message when I enter 'www.debian.org' as the bug category.

The "bug" is described bolow.

File: debian.css on Debian's web site [gucharmap (1:1.4.2-1) package web-page], line 229:

#navbar .hidecss, .hidecss {
  display: none;

causes konqueror 2.2.2 to crash.
The problem is the 2nd  '.hidecss' (after the comma).
I know that Woody is a bit old, and that its version of konqueror is not perfect, and DON'T know if this is a 'debian.css' bug or a konqueror's one; I however thought
this could interest you.
Best regards
Sergio Piccolin.

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