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Re: Comments on usability issues of w.d.o

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Am 14.02.2006 um 13:19 schrieb NAGY Viktor:

"Select a server near you" form

"Select a website
mirror near you".

I think, that is a good idea, but may be e bit long in translations...

Therefore I think it's not the best solution to put it at the top of the
home page and _every_ sub page.

Users have different entry pages.

We'd rather put it in a separate page,
and could add additional information on the location of the mirror
sites and on the quality of connection to them.

Then that page could be added to the menu at the left. But there isn't a menu on all pages.

Menu at left

I find it quite long. The readers might be annoyed because they have to scroll for the navigation. We could hide the sub-items on the main page
and show them only after visiting a main item, or create dynamic
menus with layering technique.

We discussed already about the website structure. But that are just plans for now. Later it will be easy to have better navigation and sub main pages.

Some people need to work on an outline of the website which allows to get an overview and the possibility to reorder pages to get all that done.

Visit the Site Sponsor

If the mirror has no sponsor this link points to a completely empty
page. In this case the image shouldn't appear.

Hmm.. The pages are not created on demand. So a "no sponsor" page might be better in this case.


"The Debian search engine has been disabled for now. We're working on
it." Are we really? This message has been shown almost for a year (why
is the Last Modified date 2002 in the footer?) It's a shame on us.

So true, so true...

However, search with google is a viable solution. There's no need to
give the option for searching www, everybody searches www from google,

The option schould be removed. Two new options would be better: search lists.debian.org and search www.debian.org.

nobody does from d.w.o. I'd put a simple search entry field at the top
right corner of the pages (where everyone puts it),

Nobody puts direct google search at top of page. So I'd suggest to leave it where it is now until debian has its own search again.

which works with
google.  The current entry field at the bottom of the navigation menu
has several problems: lacks a label and a submit button and doesn't

For sure the button schould be added there. But normally it just works on pressing return. Which browser?



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