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Bug#346328: packages.debian.org: packages.d.o is down message.

Package: www.debian.org
Severity: wishlist


The actual "p.d.o is down" message is:

"packages.debian.org is down at the moment.

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to have service restored as
soon as possible.

We're working on resurrecting this service but it will take some time.

You can use apt-file, apt-cache search and findpkg (--> Google) as a
temporary replacement."

I think we can inform about PTS and remove Google direct reference as in
the following message:

"packages.debian.org is down at the moment.

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to have service restored as
soon as possible.

We're working on resurrecting this service but it will take some time.

You can use apt-file or auto-apt utilities (both debian packages), go to
Debian Package Tracking System[0] or a web search engine as a temporary

[0] = <a href> to qa.d.o/developer.php

Hope that helps,
Gustavo Franco - <stratus@debian.org>

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