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Re: web czech language

Hi Peter,

Peter Stelmachovic <stelmo@savba.sk> schrieb am 18.02.05 12:15:19:
> Problem: It seems that when that czech version of the debian webpage is writen in two different 
> coding (iso-8859-2 and utf8)

Thanks, this is indeed a common problem, not only for czech pages. Not every
translator prefers the encoding used by the website language team. I really
suggest that all language teams search for such bogus strings.

German language uses only the following 8bit characters:
ä, ö, ü (and capitals), ß

I check from time to time that these are used in latin1 encoding only and
fixed errors already a few times (but not very often).

A similar situation exists when latin1 characters (mostly in names) from
Debian Weekly News are directly used (copy-and-paste) without noticing
that it may be necessary to adapt these (such as in Japanese texts, ...).


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