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Re: Outdated page was: Debian Dictionary

Am Mittwoch, 29.09.04 um 20:11 Uhr schrieb Frank Lichtenheld:

makdict takes simple text files with entries delimited by "::". and
makes files for dictd and html pages for different languages out of
those files.

Why the special fileformat? Why not using something like gettext?

As far as I understand gettext is used to internationalize programs. That could be in question for the messages from the program itself. But I do not see, how it could help with dicts and linking between entries. And in addition I cannot see, why any format would be easier to keep by people helping collecting meanings of words and phrases than the colon-delimited. As far as I understand gettext, it is just to substitute words and phrases by those in a special language. And a dictionary does more than that.

Here one example:

RC is Release Candidate
RC also is Release Critical

This are two lines in source dward.txt:
RC::Release Critical
RC::Release Candidate

On the page and dictd files this reads out to:

Release Candidate, Release Critical

Both meanings can be translated and both of them can be in the glossaries, but must not. For other examples, entries may have multiple possibilities to translate to a certain language. For Debian specific dictionaries, that are not too much, but for other dictionaries like my photographic dict, there are more words with more than one meaning, if translated from one language to another vice versa.

Dicts are not supposed to internationalize/localize, but to give meanings and translations of words and Phrases. I you translate Debian pages or programs, you may decide which is the best translation in a special context, but dictionaries do not decide. They let the decision to the reader searching for a meaning. Beside that the program still simplifies things related to a real dictionary.

If you still think, using gettext would make things easier for those editing the source dictionary files, please mail me and tell me, where the advantage would be.

As I already was asked, why I do not use "utf8" module, here the answer, too: The machine creating the dicts would have to keep all the locales for the languages, the dicts are available for. And surely, I do not want to install Punjabi or Bulgarian, as I cannot do anything myself with it. The program can be used on any machine with perl and having Unicode::Strings installed (which just can be copied from Perl 5.8 for machines with Perl 5.6 as Woody installed machines are).




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