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Re: Debian web page validation

* Tomohiro KUBOTA <debian@tmail.plala.or.jp> [2004-05-18 17:59]:
> Alfie is kind enough to run Debian web page validation pages.
>     http://people.debian.org/~alfie/validate/

 Yes, thanks again to Denis for the script so far. Much kudos!

> However, a validation page for Japanese 
>     http://people.debian.org/~alfie/validate/ja

 Oh, thanks for the notice. I wonder why this only happens for the
Japanese file, though. Fixed that reference now, too.

> seems to have a problem for a few weeks, like:

 Not that long -- I just run the script since a week or such. :)

> Pages for other languages don't have this problem.  Alfie or
> someone, could you please fix this situation?


 There is a different thing with the japanese files though:


 These four files failed to get checked, because iconv can't convert
them to utf8. This is mainly because of including different encodings in
one file. I have tried to fix the debian-med page; although it wasn't
compiled new again. Once it gets regenerated that page should go away.

 $> echo -n $file; iconv -f iso-2022-jp -t utf-8 $file  # pseudo commandline
errors-by-maint.ja.html iconv: illegal input sequence at position 9974
errors-by-pkg.ja.html iconv: illegal input sequence at position 8604
sponsors.ja.html iconv: illegal input sequence at position 13580

 Will try to track those down as good as I am able, I wonder though why
this doesn't fail for any other language.... I can just guess that all
the other languages are iso-8859-something and the wrong byes are in
that encoding, too.

 About the sponsors page: Fixed that, but haven't commited the fix yet:
Please find attached a patch for Mirrors.masterlist that changes the
remaining 8bit-characters to entities. There are already other entities
in that very file so that shouldn't be any problem, it is now:
english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist: ASCII English text

 I will commit that change tomorrow if noone objects, according to the
selfhtml reference I have chosen the correct entities.

 So, basically there are only errors-by-maint and errors-by-pkg left to
take a look at, and those have the problem of the not-defined encoding
for the Maintainer: control field....  There is a "should" regarding
utf8 in the policy flying around, but that goes a) for the changelog and
b) is /only/ a should. So I guess we are out of luck there.

 So long,
P.S.: While writing this I've started validate by hand, the ja file is
now down to 1k. :)
        "It's today!" said Piglet.
        "My favorite day," said Pooh.
Index: english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist,v
retrieving revision 1.548
diff -r1.548 Mirrors.masterlist
< Maintainer: Aurélien Beaujean <aure@debian.org>, ftpmaint@proxad.net
> Maintainer: Aur&eacute;lien Beaujean <aure@debian.org>, ftpmaint@proxad.net
< Location: São Paulo
> Location: S&atilde;o Paulo
< Maintainer: Francesc Aulí <francesc.auli@uab.es>
> Maintainer: Francesc Aul&iacute; <francesc.auli@uab.es>
< Maintainer: Rasmus Brøgger <Rasmus.Brogger@uni-c.dk>
> Maintainer: Rasmus Br&oslash;gger <Rasmus.Brogger@uni-c.dk>
< Maintainer: Francesc Genové Muñoz <francesc@genove.info>
> Maintainer: Francesc Genov&eacute; Mu&ntilde;oz <francesc@genove.info>
< Location: Maceió, Alagoas
> Location: Macei&oacute;, Alagoas
< Maintainer: Benjamin Indermühle <mirrormaster@solnet.ch>
> Maintainer: Benjamin Inderm&uuml;hle <mirrormaster@solnet.ch>
< Maintainer: Benjamin Indermühle <mirrormaster@solnet.ch>
> Maintainer: Benjamin Inderm&uuml;hle <mirrormaster@solnet.ch>
< Location: Université de Sherbrooke, Québec
< Sponsor: Université de Sherbrooke http://www.usherbrooke.ca/
> Location: Universit&eacute; de Sherbrooke, Qu&eacute;bec
> Sponsor: Universit&eacute; de Sherbrooke http://www.usherbrooke.ca/
< Maintainer: Juan Andrés Mussini <juan@nrc.pucpr.br>
> Maintainer: Juan Andr&eacute;s Mussini <juan@nrc.pucpr.br>
< Maintainer: Tom Rüger <Tom.Rueger@uni-bayreuth.de>
> Maintainer: Tom R&uuml;ger <Tom.Rueger@uni-bayreuth.de>
< Location: Jönköping
> Location: J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping
< Sponsor: Jönköping university computer society http://www.hj.se/
> Sponsor: J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping university computer society http://www.hj.se/
< Sponsor: Institut für Informatik, Humboldt University Berlin http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/
> Sponsor: Institut f&uuml;r Informatik, Humboldt University Berlin http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/
< Maintainer: Eberhard Mönkeberg <emoenke@gwdg.de>
> Maintainer: Eberhard M&ouml;nkeberg <emoenke@gwdg.de>
< Location: Göttingen
> Location: G&ouml;ttingen

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