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documentation for smart_change.pl


I've wrote some documentation for smart_change.pl that I want to add
to the /website/working document.
One option I do not understand yet: -p. Where can this be usefull?
Has someone an example?
Here is my current version for proofreading (Just text, not code):

Update translations, too, if possible.
====================================== (h3)

Some changes are language independent, most notably changes to urls or
embedded perl code. You obviously can do such changes in all
translation without knowning the specific languages.

But since there are so many languages, you will normaly avoid this
work and leave it to the translator even if you could make the change
more quickly then they can. This can be somewhat annoying. 

However, to make such changes more easy to apply, you can use the
smart_change.pl script from the webwml cvs root directory.

Usage of smart_change.pl
------------------------ (h4)

Usage: smart_change.pl [options] origfile

Currently only files in /english/ are allowed as origfile. smart_change.pl takes the following arguments:

-s, --substitute=REGEXP
    Specify a Perl regexp applied to source files (may be used more than once).

    Example: ./smart_change.pl -s "s,http://oldurl/,http://newurl/,g"; english/index.wml

-l, --lang=STRING
    Process this language (may be used more than once). If no language is
    specified, all avaiable ones are processed.

-n, --no-bump
    Do not bump translation-check headers. Normaly, the cvs revision of
    origfile is used as reference and in all translated files that are
    up-to-date, the translation-check header is updated. In outdated files
    it remains unchanged. If this option is specified, no
    translation-check headers are touched. See "keeping translations up to
    date" for an explanation on translation-check headers. 

-p, --previous
    Get previous CVS revision.

-h, --help
    Display short usage informations.

-v, --verbose
    Run verbosely.

*** Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de> ***
          *** http://www.djpig.de/ ***
see also: - http://www.usta.de/
          - http://fachschaft.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/

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