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Re: [patch] updates for rdf,rdflong in english/template/debian/recent_list.wml

Gerfried Fuchs said:
> * Andrew Shugg <andrew@neep.com.au> [2003-03-23 00:23]:
> > Firstly, I know it was alfie's preference to have only the first paragraph
> > (as bounded by <p>...</p>) of the DSA in the RDF file, but this doesn't
> > always make good sense.  Take for example DSA 265, where there is a </p>
> > right before the actual interesting bit that you'd actually want to read.
>  The intention of the first paragraph is to get an overview of the DSA.
> If one wants to read more one can always come back to the website with
> the included link.

Yes, I understand the reason for doing it that way ... I would just like
to have the option of being able to read the entire article in RSS.  =)

Maybe we could have 'dsa', 'dsa-long' and 'dsa-full'?  And so to each
their own?

> I like to disagree.  RSS was always meant to just get the people
> interested, IMHO.  The facility to link to the full article isn't there
> just for fun.

I'm coming at it from the same perspective as reading a blog in an RSS
reader.  It's lighter, faster, and doesn't need a web browser open.  It
can be used as an alternative transport to HTML for textual information,
not just a simple headline fetch method.

> > Secondly, as far as I know the HTML tags being used in the DSA wml files
> > are not valid in RDF.  I've looked through the W3C docs on RDF and can't
> > find anything that says HTML is allowed in <description> containers.  It
> > might work in straw but doesn't in NNWL.  So I think HTML tags should be
> > removed from the RDF format.
>  *hmm*  Interesting.  Then many of the other sites that I have taken a
> look at have simiar problems, like e.g. advogato.

I've worked this one out, and at least this one's easy: the HTML tags in
the RDF need to be encoded as HTML entites.  ie, <p> -> &lt;p&gt;

> Don't get me wrong, I'm not fully against your suggestions, at least I
> am not unconvincable. If some others speak up that your changes are a
> good thing I'm willing to change my mind about it.

Oh, I expect I'm completely on my own here.  =)

But if you can at least fix the entity encodings in $moreinfo I would be
very grateful: I've confirmed that s#<(/?\w+)>#&lt;$1&gt;#g on that line
results in a 'valid' RSS feed according to the online RSS validator:


(And more importantly the document renders properly in my RSS reader!)

The Perl s// pattern I've used above may not be flexible enough, or not
handle 8-bit stuff properly, but there are better ways.  You could use
the SGML::ISO8859::str2sgml() or HTML::Entities::encode_entities()
functions to achieve this, for example.



Andrew Shugg <andrew@neep.com.au>                   http://www.neep.com.au/

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

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