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Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by barbier: webwml/po po-files/ports.de.po po-files/templa ...

* Debian WWW CVS <webmaster@debian.org> [2002-09-11 14:37]:
> Modified files:
> 	po/po-files    : ....
> 	po/template/debian: ....

 ... I have a question about po/template/debian/cdimage.wml (which I
noticed due to this commit, but it wasn't changed here):

<define-tag dc_faq whitespace=delete>
  <gettext><void id="dc_faq" />faq</gettext>

 Why is the <void id="dc_faq" /> inside the <gettext> stuff? Is that
needed?  Should we add that to the translations, too?  And, I'm not
really familar with gettext yet, how can I check for fuzzy translations
to not have to check the changelogs?

 Have fun,
<DeVries> Wann kommt Debian3.0? Jemand n ungefähres oder genaues Datum parat?
<@Alfie> DeVries: Wenn es fertig ist.
<@Falky> dwVries wenn es fertig ist
<@weasel> DeVries: ziemlich genau dann, wenn es fertig ist.    -- #debian.de

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