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Bug#130147: www.debian.org: xfig and gimp versions of logos are damaged

On Sun, Jan 20, 2002 at 06:56:11PM +0000, Charles Briscoe-Smith wrote:
> I have checked, and, while all the JPEG, PNG, EPS and PDF versions of
> the logo seem to be correct, the Gimp ".xcf" and XFig ".fig" versions
> are incorrect.

I noticed this before (a few years back or so), but didn't know how to fix
it. :(

> Please would you regenerate the following files from the (corrent) EPS or
> PDF files, thus helping banish the old, broken logo from the face of the
> earth?

Can you provide us with exact instructions on how to fix this?

The main problem I see is that the XCF file is 1529x1890 while the EPS file
is 153x202.

I guess I can take the new EPS from Phil's site and convert it to XCF, but
what about XFig? I never used that program.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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