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Bug#114348: www.debian.org: some items in the site map appearing in the wrong language

"James A. Treacy" <treacy@debian.org> writes:

> Is the title 'Peta situs web Debian'? If so, you are definitely getting
> the indonesian version of the file.


> In that case, my best guess is that
> you are using a broken proxy.

No.  I'm not using any proxy.  

Moreover, every other page in the site works well.

> In another mail, you said you are using mozilla. Is the language setting
> 'en' or does it include a country code?

Yes, it is 'en-us'.

I just was able to fix it by adding 'en' as an alternative.

Does that mean this bug is closable or that we have a problem?

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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