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Keeping track of translation uptodate-ness (was: Debian pages in Esperanto)

I would like to use this thread to make some publicity to the new version of

This is very usefull to the french team for now, and I think other teams may
be interressted. Its purpose is to check which pages are out-of-date, and
mail the translator about that fact.

For that, you'll have to add a new field in the check-trans header, the name
of the maintainer. For example, on the main index, you can see:

#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.62" translation_maintainer="Christophe Le Bars"

Then, you add a database of all translators, like
It contains a hash table associating some information to the name of the
translator. Extract from the file:

# Here is the syntax:
#  The data is in a hash table returned by init_translators().
#  Each key is the name of a translator (trimmed, without email adress)
# Here is the syntax:
#  The data is in a hash table returned by init_translators().
#  Each key is the name of a translator (trimmed, without email adress)
#  For each one, you have a (sub)hash table containing:
#  * email:    the current email of this guy
#  * compress: which type of compression you want to have (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
#  Remaining keys have numeric value, which tells when to send info:
#  * summary:  a summary of which documents are outdated
#  * logs:     the cvs log' between the translated and current versions
#  * diff:     idem with diff
#  * file:     add current version of translated file

And here is an example:
'Martin Quinson' => {
	'email'     => 'mquinson@ens-lyon.fr',
	'summary'   => 3,
        'logs'      => 3,
	'diff'      => 3,
        'tdiff'     => 3,
        'file'      => 0,
	'compress'  => 'none'

I want to get mails every day when something changed in the files I
maintain. For each, I'm interrested in the summary (the regular output of
the check_trans.pl without special options), the CVS logs and diff, and in
the translated diff. But I don't care in the file itself, I have a uptodate
cvs repository. But you are free to change these numbers to get let
information if you are afraid of mail bombing when your work gets outdated.

Then, the script is runned every day with appropriate parameters, and people
get one mail with several mime part.

Since we use this system in the french team (about 6 months), the status of
our pages have well increased. Of course, this would be of no use for
one-man teams, like peterk, but for somehow bigger teams, that's a nice tool
to improve organization of peoples. The only drawbacks are mail bombing when
you put some inapropriate values in the DB, and the need of a
"translation_maintainer" field in each file (if no one is present, the
script assume it is maintained by the special maintainer called 'list').

Bye, Mt.

On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 08:16:44AM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org> [2001-10-01 19:18]:
> > I have been listening many things about "projected languages"
> > and went to check Debian's pages in esperanto... I read 'Debiano'
> > and 'Linuksa'(?) in there... I am afraid Debian and Linux should
> > not be "translated" as they're names of a project and a kernel...
> > names are not translatable in any ways...
>  Uhm, I consider the esperanto translation really dead.  One translated
> page and another one hopelessly outdated.  Do you really care for the
> esperanto translation?  Could you then at least update that
> esperanto/News/index.wml file?
>  Personally I think it should be dropped, but that's on an other paper.
> It seems that there is noone responsible for that translation, or am I
> wrong?
>  Aditionally, it seems that I hit some nerve of the Japanese
> translators - keep that good work up!
>  So in contrary, let me now pick on the Korean translation:  Is there
> someone out there looking after that one?  92 outdated pages of 110
> overall translated (mostly "too out of date"!) sounds not really good to
> me.  Please get your asses moving like your japanese colleagues.  Don't
> take it personal - on the other hand if that's what you need to get
> moving please take it so :-)

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