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Re: language code

On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 10:06:54PM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> I have checked out the necessary files from our cvs repository
> and am going to translate them into Chinese. The problem is,
> there are 2 different sets of Chinese characters: traditional
> and simplified chinese (the former is used in Hong Kong and Taiwan,
> the latter is used in mainland China).
> I anticipate that there should be two sets of Chinese translations.
> In order to differentiate the two, can I use zh-<country code> as
> the language code and ZH-<country code> as the 'slice name' in
> the wml files? Will there be any problems?
> ('zh' means Chinese)
The important thing is to do what works. If people from different
Chinese speaking countries would expect to see a particular font
and would set the preferred language accordingly then you should
definitely add the country code.

Here's a little background. A user sending zh-<country code> will
not receive a .zh.html file if that is the only version. It does
work the other way though - a person requesting zh will receive
a .zh-<country code>.html file if no .zh.html file exists. Thus
the only people that would not receive your pages would be someone
requesting zh-<different country code from what you use>.

This is not what first time users expect and even many browsers are
set up wrong. I'd love a dime for every person that has written in
because they get the japanese version of a file when their browser
is requesting 'en-us, ja'. IE is the biggest culprit here. Are
any of you surprised?

BTW, do the charsets differ only in style? Can someone used to
one style still read the other?

Jay Treacy

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