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looking for feedback before translation of web pages

Before I start asking for translators for the web pages, it
seemed a good idea to ask for any opinions people might
have to improve the pages. Once the pages are translated,
making changes will result in a lot more work.

Although on the surface the pages don't look much different,
a lot has changed over the last 6 months. A list of some of
the changes might be helpful:
 - separated the user docs (all under User Documentation)
   from the developer docs (under Developer's Corner).
 - The User Doc section is much simpler so that newbies
   can find what they want much faster. That and some of
   the other changes have reduced the number of stupid
   questions to webmaster by about 75%. The pages were too
   geared to developers before. Previously, a person who'd never
   heard of Debian would look at the pages and wonder what
   planet they'd landed on.
 - rewrote the About Debian section. Hopefully newbies
   will actually read it (it's a little long).
 - rewrote the subscribe and unsubscribe pages to include
   all of the public lists. Also modified the mailing list
   section of the Support page to go along with this.
 - the faqomatic is up and running. Thanks to Igor for doing
   all the real work on this one. Please do what you can to
   help this to succeed.
 - separated the non-debian links out and put them in a
   new page - Related Links.
 - there is a Debian Goes International page, but that
   will dissapear when the pages get translated. More
   on this in another piece of mail.

When the installation instructions get rewritten, I'd like to
have them mirrored on the web pages. As it stands, the pages
simply link ftp.debian.org. By having a copy directly on the
pages, each mirror will simply reference its own copy.

On a related note, Debian now controls www.debian.org .
It is simply a mirror of master. The old www.debian.org
continues on as www.us.debian.org .

Nick Lichtmaier is making changes to the Packages pages to
internationalize them (I think) and improve them in other ways.

- Jay

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