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Re: Debian website

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.971026084554.13469A-100000@dabcc-www.nmsu.edu>,
"Chad D. Zimmerman" <chad@dabcc-www.nmsu.edu> wrote:
> Um, who is in charge of the servers where the debian web site is kept?

I am.

> There have been posts last week in debian-user about it being down (and
> checked myself today and it still is).  Someone is not doing (his/her) job
> and the web page is suffering.

It was broken earlier because master.debian.org had a zero-length
index.html and my mirror faithfully replicated it.  (I don't maintain
the pages, just www.debian.org itself.)  That was fixed yesterday and
it's been up since then.

If this is not what you're seeing, maybe you could be more specific
about what is "down".
Shields, CrossLink.

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